My Progress

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Rev up your cardio!

We all do it, get in the same rut and do the same workouts at home or at the gym and thats when your body gets used to the routine and the workouts stop working for your body and you get stuck. You stop seeing results and get frustrated. So I want you all to start changing a few things about your cardio.  You should change the type of cardio you do, for example if you always get on the eliptical switch to the treadmill for one workout, ride the bike, jump rope, take a kick boxing class etc. The more you switch it up the harder it is for your body to get used to the workout and it will help prevent plateaus. Also you will need to up the intensity as well. You should always be pushing your self to go faster, work at a harder level push your body to its max and then go past it. Thats how you get results and get better. You also wont get bored with your workouts and it will help you to stay motivated. If you normally run inside on a treadmill take it outside to switch it up a bit. Go to and get some awesome cardio workouts (for free) and try them, you don't have to go to the gym to do them and most only take 15-20 min. I love the workouts from there, they are very challenging and really make you sweat.  Interval training will also challenge your body and keep it guessing. You want to start at a pace that requires you to work at 75-80% of your body's maximum for a period of time then go up to 90-100% for shorter bursts then back down. For example running at a 6.5 speed on the treadmill for 2 min. then upping it to 8.0 for 1 min. then back down and keep repeating. You also should do cardio for a minimum of 30 minutes  a day, try to go longer if you can't keep up the intensity the entire workout.  Try my lunge workout on the treadmill. I usually do it after running or riding the bike for a little extra push. Set the treadmill at the steepest incline it will go, put the speed at 3.0 walk for 2 min, take the speed down to 1.5 and do walking lunges w/back leg lift for 1 min. repeat and try to go for 20 min if you can. It is a killer and will make you sweat, not to mention get a great tush!!  So get out of your comfort zone, quit doing the same old boring workout day in and day out and have fun!

Here are some things I like to do:
1) Jillian Michaels Cardio Kickboxing DVD
2) Swimming
3) Running
4) Walking lunges up hill on the treadmill
5) Bike riding
6) Jump rope

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Excuses, Excuses

I just got my nest issue of Oxygen Magazine in the mail the other day. I love getting it, it's like christmas for me once a month. As I was flipping through it looking at all the fit and beautiful women in it I can't help but get excited to train and get in my next workout. I love how the magazine is filled with workouts you can do at home or the gym and all of the yummy clean recipes in it. As always I hurry and turn to  Jamie Eason's article to read first. Jamie Eason is one of my favorites in the mag and sort of my idle. I want to look like her! Any way, she was talking about excuses. "Excuses are like underwear, most people have them and many are full of holes." The article really got me thinking and I will be letting go of my excuses and so should you. There will always be those excuses holding you back from the gym or eating right. Most everyone has them. You can tell the ones that do, they are the ones at the gym not pushing there bodies like they should, watching t.v. or reading a book while supposedly doing cardio. They are the ones that will never change their image. You have to get focused, and get your mind straight, and have no more excuses. Yes you do have the time, instead of playing around on the computer, watching you favorite shows on t.v., or sleeping in in the mornings. You can prepare meals or get in a quick workout session, don't let those excuses have control over you, aren't you worth it to be in the best physical shape possible, aren't you worth it to be healthy? Isn't your family worth it? Do crunches, lunges, push-ups or dips during a comercial break. Get off the couch and get moving. Clean out your cubbards and refridgerator form junk foods and stock them with plenty of whole grains, eggs, fresh fruit and veggies, lean protein. Make it a point to cook you protein in advance and freeze it so it is always easy to heat up and eat instead of un-healthy diet foods. (Yes those lean pockets and lean cuisines are bad for you!!) Start eating clean and working out and you will look and feel amazing! Remember true fat loss doesn't happen over night and there are no quick fixes and no magic diet pills, but it will happen safely and gradually over time in a healthy way that is good for you. I will leave you with this from Jamies article.
"The notion that you can start when you finally have more time, or that you have been doing everything that you can to eat healthy but to no avail, is just bogus - these excuses are simply "holes" in our logic. I know that we do not want to have to give up the things in life that we love, but wouldn't it be nice to know that we are in control of what goes into our bodies and that we have done all that we can to prolong our lives for our families and loved ones? Remember, no excuses and no regrets!"

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Lifting Weights

I know many of you ladies out there are a little afraid of lifting weights. There are a lot of rumors out there suggesting that if you (women) lift weights then you will bulk up. Well...... that is entirely NOT TRUE!!! It in fact is physically and genetically impossible for women to get bulky and huge like a man from weight lifting. In fact the only way for a woman to get big and bulky like that is if she is on steriods. So with that being sad, why should you lift weights??? Cardio alone will not give you the lean, tight, firm body you want, instead you will become what is called "Skinny Fat". Skinny fat is a skinnier version of your fat self, which is what will happen if you only focus on cardio. Weight lifting will build muscle, yes, but not huge manly muscles. The more muscle you have the more fat you will burn, if you don't build up the muscle and only focus on cardio you body will in turn use what little muscle you have to burn as fuel. There for you become "Skinny Fat" a thinner, softer, jigglier person. As you build muscle you will need the proper nutrition (eating clean) to fuel the muscles and when you do your cardio workout you body will instead burn the fat and not the muscle so in turn you will have that toned, firm, non-jiggly body you want. Also the more muscle you have and less fat you have, and the cellulite will go away!! I know it may still seem kind of scary to pick up those dumbbells, but you need to if you want to look and feel good.  I am not saying go out and lift really heavy, but lift a weight that does give you a bit of a challenge. If doing 4 sets of 15 with a 10 lb weight is too easy then you need to up the weight. If doing that same amount is too hard then you need to go lighter. You should be able to 4 sets of 15 reps with a weight that gives yo a little bit of a challenge by the the 10th rep, so the last 5 should be a bit of a struggle. Once it becomes too easy then move up in weight. Go with a friend, in case you need a spotter and don't feel comfortable asking someone you don't know, keep a workout journal and log your reps, sets, and weight used so you can keep track and know how much you were able to do in your last session. Make sure to rest that muscle group for at least 24-42 hours before working it again. Switch it up every 4 weeks so your body doesn't get used to the workouts and your routine. You may choose to work each body part on different days or you may choose to combine them. Rest no longer than 1 min. between sets, keep moving to keep your heart rate up, don't forget to incorporate some cardio. You really only need 3-5 30 min. sessions of high intensity cardio a week. And most importantly EAT CLEAN.
Here is an example of how I like to break up my weight training schedule:
Monday: chest and triceps, run 3 miles
Tuesday: legs, run 3 miles, swim
Wednesday: back and biceps, run 3 miles
Thursday: legs, shoulders, swim
Friday: long run
Saturday: Rest
Sunday: long run, stretch

Happy lifting and clean eating everyone!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Clean-Eating Principles

Here are the 14 principles Clean-Eaters use taken from the Eat Clean Diet Cookbook.

Remember, to lose or gain weight you must eat more! However, your food choices need to be clean and healthy to lose weight. These are the Clean-Eating principles that will guide you through your physique and health transformation. Print this guide and stick it on your fridge or in in a cupboard where you will be reminded to follow the habits until they become your lifestyle.

1) Eat 5-6 small meals every day.
2) Eat every 2-3 hours
3) Combine lean protein and complex carbs at every meal.
4) Drink at least 2 liters, or 8 cups, of water each day.
5) Never miss a meal, especially breakfast.
6) Carry a cooler loaded with Clean-Eating foods to get through the day.
7) Avoid all over-processed, refined foods, especially white flour and sugar.
8) Avoid all saturated and trans fats.
9) Avoid sugar-loaded sodas and juices.
10) Consume adequate healthy fats, EFS, (Essential Fatty Acids) each day.
11) Avoid Alcohol - another form of sugar.
12) Avoid all calorie-dense foods containing no nutritional value.
13) Depend on fresh fruit and vegetables for fiber, vitamins, and enzymes.
14) Stick to proper portion sizes - give up the super sizing!

I hope this helps, if you don't have the Eat Clean Diet Book you can order it online at,, find it at Barnes and Noble, and I have even seen it at Target. It is a great book, and a lifestyle change not only for you but your family as well. After all if you want to get healthy don't you think your family should too? 

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


What motivates you to make you get up and get in that workout? Wether you are going to the gym or working out at home. Are you really truly pushing your self to get through another set of lunges, or pushing yourself to go faster and sweat more. I have been motivated in a very special way this year. I have always wanted to place in a 5k race but have never really tried to push my self to go faster. I was fine at my 29 min. 5k time. I have recently decided to run the Race for the Cure this coming May. It is not a timed race and no awards are given out at the end to the top finishers. I am doing it for a friend of mine who has stage 4 breast cancer. She is a wonderful person so full of life and has the most amazing smile. Her zest for living and positive attitude is amazing despite everything she has to go through on a daily basis. Not only does she have breast cancer she is a single mother of 2 young boys. It just breaks my heart that such a beautiful person has to suffer this way. My heart and prayers go out to her and her little family. I am doing this Race for a Cure to help get the word out about Breast Cancer and to hopefully raise money for a cure. I have shaved time off of my 5k, the fastest I have ran was on my treadmill at 26:20. As I am training and running faster I picture my self on the day of the race, running through a sea of pink. I see My dear friend and her two sweet little boys in the crowd of supporters cheering me and all the other runners/walkers on. I see my wonderful husband and my two kids also there in support of the cause. I keep going faster and see my self nearing the finish as I get closer to the 3.2 mile mark. The adrenaline starts pumping harder and my legs start moving faster. I can do this. That is what pushes me, that's what will make me a faster runner. I can see hope and a cure at the finish line. Not a medal, but a true reward, just knowing that the first time I was able to place in a 5k  was for hope and a cure. That is the best reward. I hope I can inspire all of you to join me on that day and either run or walk for the Race for the Cure. You can go tho this website
and sign up or you may also make a donation. Pleas help this great cause.  Thanks, and happy training! Race day is Saturday May 8, 2010