My Progress

Monday, September 27, 2010

Committed......are you?

I am going to be committed this time and finish the 90 days in P90X. In the past I have only gotten through week 3. Something always seemed to come up to distract me. Not this time!! I am focused and I really want the results. My mind is made up and my heart is in it 110%. Yesterday was day 1 and I did chest and back, and ab ripper x. I am sore today. I have plyo still to do today. I am still going to be running because I have big plans for next summer so my running needs to be a priority also. I did my run today already, Whoo-Hoo! I am going to try and post my workouts and diet so I can be more accountable to my self. Since I am writing this in the middle of the day I am not going to post my meals for today but will start posting them tomorrow evenings. I am hoping that when I finish my 90 day's I will finally be at my goal weight which will make my marathon and ragnar training easier. So heres to getting fit and being the best you can be. Who's with me??

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Want to RUN??

I have had a few people ask me lately how do you run? Why do you like it? What keeps you going? After some thought I decided to write it down, I will start from what first inspired me to run my first Marathon and what keeps me running. Also I will give you newbies to running some training advice. So where to start?? First of all I was a little over weight before I became pregnat with my son. I am 5'0" and weighed 150lbs, when I gave birth I weighed in at 182! That is a lot on such a small frame, to some it might not seem like a lot but on me I was huge. I decided after I got home from the hospital I was not going to be one of those moms who just lets herself go just because I had baby. That is just a copout excuse to be lazy and I knew I wasn't that kind of person. As soon as I got the o.k. from the doc to start exercising after 6 weeks, I had to have a c-section, I joined the gym and started running and lifting weights. It was really hard at first but I was so determined to lose the weight I had gained from pregnancy and more. I remember feeling my stomach, back, arms, butt and thighs jiggle while I ran on the treadmill at the gym. I had to get past my feeling of embarrassment and just do it. Hey at least I was doing something about it and not sitting at home sulking and making excuses. At first I could only run for short bursts and had to walk a lot, it was so hard to just get in 1 mile! When the weight started to melt off and I was becoming faster and was able to run longer I entered a 5k race and then I was hooked. The feeling you get from being there on race day and running and finishing is one of the best feelings you may ever experience. After that I decided I wanted to train for and run a marathon, and what better person to do it with than my dad. So when I asked him he was excited and we started running. I know I couldn't have done it without his support and encouragement along the way. So I ran my first marathon when my son was just 18 months old and I weighed in at 127! WOW! I was in the best shape of my life, and then I got pregnant again and again I packed on the pounds and gave birth weighing in at 185. YIKES! The second time around has been a lot harder, with 2 kids, then I went full time at work and finding the time to workout and eat healthy was hard. Then I came across the EAT CLEAN DIET and wow, talk about life changing. Eating clean is a way of life and it's one your family can do with you. I am not at the 127 marathon weight but I am close, I fluctuate between 130-135 and now I am ready to take it to the next level. I have 3 goals for myself in the next year. 1) to run my second marathon and beat my time of 4:35, 2) run the Ragnar Relay with members of my family, 3) reach my final fitness goal which is to look like an Oxygen mag cover girl! I know running paired with weight training and a good nutrition plan is the key to a happy, healthy, leaner you. It is not going to be easy, there is no magic pill and no quick fix. You need to be ready and willing to make the change for the better, because it is a lifestyle change and it is one only you can make. You will have set backs and downfalls but don't beat yourself up over them, get right back up and keep pushing forward. Don't try to over do it and go all out right off the bat, that will only set you up for failure. Take is slow and one day at a time. You need to set long term and short term goals to help keep you focused. Keeping a food and exercise journal are great ways to help keep you on track. Also put notes on your mirrors and your fridge to remind you what your goals are. So for all you beginners out there I hope I have inspired you in some way to get out there and run!

Training for beginners:
Start out with a walk/run interval mix. Start out with 3 minutes walking/two minutes jogging (not full out running) go for 20 minutes, it makes it out to be 4 intervals. Gradually ramp it up to a ratio of 4 minutes jogging and 1 minute walking until you are able to go for a full 20 minutes jogging. Then you can start increasing speed and time. Do this 3-4 times a week. Make sure to stretch after and drink plenty of fluid. This may take a couple of weeks to work up to but it is the best way so you don't over do it and you wont hate running if you start out slow. Be good to your self and listen to your body.

After you have done this and you think you are ready to try a 5k you can go to Salt Lake Running Co. for some free training programs like the couch to 5k, or a beginners training program for a marathon. If you have any questions for me feel free to write them in the comment section or message me on Facebook. I wish you all the best of luck in your training and clean eating.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Food for thought.........

I just wanted to share this with everyone, really makes you re-think your food choices.

Now go workout!! :)

Monday, July 5, 2010

When is the best time for cardio???

I have read many different article on this and so I thought I would share what I have learned. If you are just wanting to gain endurance or if you are training for something then the time of day really doesn't matter all that much. You need to make sure though that if you are doing a lot of cardio you need to eat a few more good carbs to give you the energy you need to sustain you through your work out and also for the day. Sports drinks are good, also GU or gel blocks, cliff bars things like that are all good if you are going to be doing more than 30 minutes of cardio at a time. But beware if you are doing cardio for weight loss!! Sports drinks and all those other items I mentioned are not going to help you if you are trying to loose weight, they contain extra calories, sugar, carbs, and sodium you do not need for weight loss. The best time to maximize your efforts and make your time on the treadmill or what ever type of cardio you are going to be doing, is in the morning on an empty stomach. This way your body is using fat stored in your body as fuel instead of burning off the food, or coffee etc. you have already eaten. Replenish with lots and lots of water. Diet is also very important!! Make sure you are eating 5-6 smaller meals a day, try to keep your fruit and carbs to early in the day and make your dinner your smallest meal and breakfast your largest, and most importantly KEEP IT CLEAN! Portion control is also very important, meat is roughly the size of your palm, veggies are about a 1 cup serving and fruit a half a cup, carbs about the same size of your meat portion. I never calorie count, I think some people get caught up on calorie counting and therefore don't eat enough food during the day which can backfire on you. If you are not getting in enough calories your body will hold onto the fat in stead of using it for fuel and burn lean muscle instead. This is bad because you need muscle to help burn fat and if you are loosing muscle then you will soft and squishy-skinny fat. Also those diets that make you eat only 500 calories a day are horrible for your health and your body. You might as well be anorexic. Your body, even without doing any type of exercise, can NOT function properly on only 500 calories a day. That is just ridiculous! So make sure if you are doing cardio for endurance and are going for long periods of time you are getting in extra calories and carbs, and if you are going for weight loss you are being careful with your portions, keeping your meals clean, and getting you cardio done in the morning. A little weight training later in the day is good too, it will help to speed up the weight loss!! Happy training and clean eating everyone. :)

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Still Here.......

I know I haven't written it a while, there was St. George, then it was the end of school and a lot going on with that, then the yard work, digging, planting etc. I also got sick. So I am still here and doing well. I have been doing the P90X at home instead of going to the gym to work out and I actually really like it! I did start out on the lean version but felt it wasn't just what i wanted so I have now started on the doubles this week. The difference is the lean has a little more cardio and not as much weight training but I like a fair balance of both. The doubles also has you do the ab video 3X's a week instead of 1, and some of the days you do the cardio in the morning and the weights later in the day. So you do more work with the doubles and I am hoping the results will be faster. I guess I just like pain! You do have to commit to it 110%, not just the workouts them selves but the diet is crucial. If you are doing the workout and pushing your self to your limits and then go a little farther but aren't focused on what you are fueling your body with all of the sweat, tear, and pain will have been for nothing. Sad but true, diet is 80% of your fatloss, 10% exercise, and the other 10% genes. SInce diet is a huge portion you really need to spot on and there is no room for error. Ideally you should be eating 5-6 smaller meals a day, each meal must consist of lean protein and complex carbohydrates. I like to try and eat all of my fruit early on in the day as well. Fruit does contain natural sugars so by eating them early you are more likely to burn them off easier. Here is a sample of what I would eat in a day.

Meal 1: 1/2 cup oats (dry measured) mix in 1 tablespoon each wheat germ and ground flax seed. Handful raspberries or blueberries. Protein shake mixed with water
Meal 2: 3 egg whites scrambled season with pepper and garlic powder, mix in 1/2 cup cooked edamame 1 apple
Meal 3: Protein smoothie made with light soy milk, and frozen berries, maybe a banana, or I might make one with a little coffee, banana, and almond butter
Meal 4: Albacore tuna mixed w/1 tea spoon olive oil mayo, pepper and a splash of lemon juice, sliced cucumber and roma tomato and melba toast
Meal 5: 3 stalks celery and 1 table spoon almond butter or all natural Adams peanut butter
Meal 6: Grilled chicken, steamed aspargus, green salad with a balsalmic vinegar dressing

Remember your diet needs to be perfect or your workouts won't mean a thing. It won't always be easy, and you will have bad days, the key is to just get right back on the clean eating path and it will all be worth it in the end.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Week 1 with P90X

As if I don't already push my self and train hard I have decided to give P90X a try. Monday was day 1 for me, I am going to do the lean version for my first 90 days. It is supposed to deliver the most fat loss, so here I go!! Yesterdays workout was a little challenging, but too hard. I am guessing it wasn't too hard because I have done a lot of push-ups, weight training, and cardio in the past. Some of the ab exercises were the ones that gave me the challenge. I am weakest in my core, that is my trouble area, but what do you expect when you have had 2 c-sections where they go in and cut through your muscles right there. I am hoping this P90X will help give me the abs I am craving and have been having a hard time getting to. I did wake up this morning with some sore muscles, my lats, abs, lower back, and glutes are all sore, but I like that sore feeling. I know I am a bit weird... I am continuing to eat as clean as possible while doing this I plan on keeping everyone posted in my progress. Joe is going to take my before pics tonight, and then after my first 90 days, so I will post them together after the 90 days so you can see the comparison. I still plan on running and swimming while doing the P90X, I have to run, I go insane if I can't, same with swimming. I guess I am addicted to them both, I crave the pavement and the pool and I am constantly thinking about it in the back of my mind....I guess there could be worse things to be addicted to right? If any of you out there are also doing P90X I would love to here your feedback, please post a comment!! :) And any one else working out I would love to here what you are doing and how your progress is too. Well good luck to you all, and happy training!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Running through the tears.......

As the week comes to an end and with it the Race for the Cure, I find my self getting very emotional. All this week as I have been running on my treadmill I keep thinking of how Saturday morning will be and the feeling of it, and I can't help but start to cry. I see my friend with her fashionably cute short hair, (Brought on by chemo) and her big beautiful smile that is so contagious. I can't even imagine what it must be like to have to go through such a difficult thing as cancer. Yes, I have had family who have suffered from other forms of this horrible disease, my dad and grandpa both had a form of melanoma on there face, nothing too serious I am happy to say. My mother-in-law also had a form of melanoma, a mouth cancer. She had under gone radiation treatments, had a piece of her tounge removed, and all of her lymph nodes removed. Now she has some bone loss in her jaw because of the radiation, but has been in remission for quite some time now. Thankfully these cases weren't as serious as some of those suffering with breast cancer. These women that will be at the race on saturday are some of the strongest, both physically and mentally, women we will ever meet. Sure running a marathon is a hard, it challenges your body and your mind. It takes months to train for, it's painful at times, and sometimes you just want to throw in the towel and give up, but you dig deeper and keep on going until you reach the finish line. But for those suffering with cancer, some will never see the finish line, no matter how hard they try. These women have to find strength from some place deeper to keep going, and not give up. They put on there game faces so they're loved ones don't see just how painful it is at times. They live each moment as if it's there last, who knows what tomorrow will bring. If you decide you would like to participate there will me registration in the morning on saturday at 7 am, or if you don't want to walk/run just come and support these fabulous women. I will be there running with tears I am sure. Remember these women are some ones Mother, Sister, Aunt, Daughter, Wife, Partner, Friend, HERO. Please support the cause.....

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


I am so happy to say that I have a new Personal Record, I ran 3 miles in 23:51! SWEEET! That is just barely under an 8 minute mile. I am smiling from ear to ear, and man it feels soooo good. Thats why you should always be striving to do better, get stronger, go faster. It is the best feeling ever to know you have accomplished something. Remember that saying from the kids show "Meet the Robinsons" KEEP MOVING FORWARD If you keep pushing yourself and keep moving forward you will only succeed. Do your best, keep pushing along and good things will come, weather it be beating a personal record, loosing weight, lift heavier. That being said, I had another slip of the diet last night, I ate a handful of gummie bears!!! Ugh! But I am right back on the wagon of clean eats and I have had my oats and a banana for breakfast w/ 2 cups of green tea, my lunch was turkey on a small low carb, whole wheat tortilla w/lettuce, tomato, and some greek yogurt mixed with a squirt of deli mustard instead of mayo...So yummy! I have mad my scrambled egg whites with edamame for a snack later and I will also be brining a protein shake with me. For dinner I have planned some chicken on the grill, broccoli, and a small green salad with balsamic vinegar. Remember to sign up or donate the the race for cure, all proceeds go to finding a cure for breast cancer. I have posted the link below in yesterdays post. Thanks, and happy training and clean eating everyone!! :)

Monday, April 26, 2010

Race for the cure!!!

Join the team or just donate to raise money for breast cancer!!!! Here is the link:
SO I ran my two miles today in 15:51, WOW! I am happy with that for the moment, I am always striving to get faster. I followed it by the 600 rep challenge from and that really kicked my booty!! I thought I was going to throw up. So far my diet has been o.k. today, I was naughty and didn't pack my cooler, I didn't think I was going to be away form home as long as I was. Shame, shame, always be prepared with your cooler packed with clean eats. So far for today I had a banana and a cup of coffee for breakfast, then had a left over hamburger patty wrapped in lettuce w/tomato for lunch, after my errands I had a small red baked potato with low fat cottage cheese and pepper. I am planning on having grilled pork chop for dinner with some asparagus and a green salad. I have had about half of my water for the day so far. All in all it has been a good day. Remember to always pack your cooler!! If you haven't yet sign up for the Race for the Cure, it is on Saturday May 8th, I will post the link with my team form Cookie Cutters anyone can sign up under our team, so please do it will be a fun one, you don't have to run walking is fine. Considerate your duty if you know someone who has had or currently battling breast cancer. You need to do this....

Sunday, April 25, 2010

I'm Back!!!!

After having a week off from working out I am back with more motivation than ever before. I am determined to get to my goal and I know what I have and need to do to get there. I did pretty well with my diet last week, I just couldn't work out because I had more work done on my tattoo and my back was very sore and tender. But I am healing well and at the itchy stage so I can run again. Today I am going to go run a fast 2 miles, try to get it done in 15 minutes, my fastest 2 miles was 17:24 so this will be a challenge to shave 2:24 off my time, I will have to run about a 7 minute mile!!! I am going to give it a try even if I throw-up at the end. We are also going to take the kids on a mini hike today, going to see if Temple Quarry Trail is open, if not we will find one. It is beautiful outside! I love being in the outdoors. Now that it's getting warmer hiking is a great work out and I can't wait to do lots of it this summer! I have also signed up for the Race for the Cure and I hope you all will too, you don't have to run it walking is fine. All proceeds go to Breast Cancer Research. The warmer weather also means race season!!!! I have a lot of different races I want to do and I will keep you posted. If you are looking for something to motivate you sign up for a 5k, you are more likely to be successful at your weight loss if you are training for something. A 5k is the perfect thing, it is only 3 miles, and if you can't run the whole way you can interval it with walking/running and still get done quickly. Once you do one you will get hooked! Well it's treadmill time! :)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Cellulite, the nice way to say you have a fat a$$!

So I came across this article the other day about Cellulite, what is was, and the best ways to help get rid of it. Pretty much those dimples on your butt, thighs, stomach, what have you are fat deposits. So to say you have Cellulite on your butt is just a nicely sugar-coated way to say you have fat on your ass! (pardon my language) I found that very amusing, especially since even those super stick thin models have cellulite, so really they are fat, "skinny fat" What were the causes of Cellulite? Well for starters an unhealthy diet and lack of proper exercise. There were a few main things to steer clear from of course like caffeine, (I was just as shocked!) alcohol, (not as shocked) sugary and fatty foods. (well duh) The best thing you can do to help eliminate these toxic dimples is to eat a clean healthy diet complete with lean protein, fresh veggies, fruit, and complex carbohydrates. Drink plenty of water, and weight train along with some cardio. I can personally say that following these few things will get rid of the cottage cheese you have lurking around your backsides. Since eating clean, and exercising with weights and some cardio I have seen it slowly disappear, I am almost completely 100% Cellulite free!!! I am working on cutting out as much caffeine from my diet as I possibly can, I am down to just 1 cup of coffee a day, and I am saving my drinking for special occasions only. So bottom line (no pun intended) is to keep it clean in the kitchen, drink plenty of water, and make sure you incorporate weight training into your workout routine, you won't see results with just cardio alone, unless you like that "skinny fat" look and don't mind the dimples......

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

All of my food for Cooler 1, and what I am doing at the gym are in the comments for Hardcore Eating :)

Monday, March 29, 2010

Hardcore Eating.......

For the next 7 days I am going to be doing Cooler 1 diet plan from the Eat Clean Diet book. Cooler 1 is very hard because it is very restrictive, and should not be done longer than 2 weeks max! Why do it then?? Because it delivers awesome results if you stick to it 100% and follow it perfectly. Cooler 1 is used to jump start your metabolism, break through plateaus, use it if you have an event coming up and want to drop a couple inches or pounds. I am using it to break through a plateau my self. So for the next 7 days I will be posting what I eat and my exercise for the day. If you want to follow my diet you can, if you are new to clean eating I would suggest baby steps and not follow it unless you have great control because it is very hard. The best thing for beginners it to change your diet a little at a time, eating clean is a lifestyle and to go all the way from day one can be hard and frustrating and chances are you won't stick to it. Start out slow. But if  you are brave and want to give cooler 1 a try go for it. Here are the basics for Cooler 1:


          FIVE X 5 oz SERVINGS
         FIVE X 1 1/2 -CUP SERVINGS
         1 CUP COOKED

Remember to plan out your meals for the day, and pack your cooler even if you are going to run a few errands. It is better to be prepared with clean eats so you are not tempted to go through the drive through or pig out on something at home that isn't clean. I always take a cooler to the gym with clean eats in it to have in the car because I usually have other places to go so I make sure to re-fuel my body with good nutrient dense foods. Good luck to those who are daring enough to try Cooler 1!! I will post my food and workouts at the end of the day.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Getting back on track

So I am not perfect ( I know, shocking right) And the last week and a half  it has been a bit of a struggle for me to keep my diet in check. I had avery bust week last week with the house, a lot of showings so a lot of cleaning daily. Also my little girl had a cold so the playroom at the gym was out of the question because I didn't want to spread her germs to the other kids and I didn't want her getting worse either. I was terrible at eating every 2-3 hours and my water intake was horrible, I worked out a little at home, mostly just walking the dogs, and I could feel the bloat and I have been more sluggish and cranky. Go figure. It's funny how when you are not keeping to a good clean and healthy balanced eating plan, drinking your water, and working out regularly how much it affects your body and mood in a negative way. I always feel so much better when I do get in my workouts, eat clean, and drink plenty of water. I am happy to say I am back on track with my eating and getting back to the gym today. Now that it is getting warmer and lighter out in the evenings I have also started taking my big pup out for a 3 mile run at 7 o'clock at night. It's funny how quickly he learns what time it is and starts looking at me as if to say " are we going running" He really keeps me motivated and it is good for the pup and myself. I know how hard it is when life happens, the important thing is that if your diet and exercising happen to fall apart the best thing you can do if pick it right back up again. It is so easy to let that part of your life slip away, it's the getting it back on track that is the hard part. The best thing to do no matter what is to always try to put forth the effort to stay on track.  If you happen to loose sight of your diet and exercise pick it right back up as soon as possible and hopefully not too late so that you won't loose the progress you have made. If anything try to keep you diet as clean as possible if working out is hard to do at the time. I am going to do better at keeping myself on track when life gets in the way and I hope you will too. If you haven't looked into the Eat Clean Diet books yet I suggest you do, it will change your life for the better.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Food Journaling

I know it may sound a little strange to some "Food Journaling" but it can really make a huge difference in you weight loss goals. I suggest that you keep track everyday in a journal what you have eaten and how much of it you ate. A journal will never lie,  the proof will be there if you have stayed on track with your clean eating or if you have strayed. So if you get on the scale and the numbers haven't changed of if they have gone up and you look in you food journal and see the 5 chips one day, the can of soda on another day, and 1 small piece of candy another day then it all makes sense. It is hard to think back at every little slip up made in your eating habits and so you think you didn't go off that much but if you are keeping track you can actually see it and realize all those little things you think at the time "won't hurt" or "just this once will be o.k." really are hurting your progress. Also the proof will be there if you have been eating clean, writing it down and seeing it on the scale. You want to make sure even if you have been good with your clean eating to keep track so when you do have those slip ups you can look back at what worked and repeat it. It is a fact that people who keep track with a food journal have a higher success rate with there weight loss than those who don't. You don't have to share your journal with anyone if don't want to, it is just for you. However the key with food journaling is to be brutally honest with your self about what you have eaten. Eating Clean is a lifestyle change, and while not always easy the rewards from it are well worth it in the end. If you haven't yet checked out Tosca Reno's wedsite I encourage you to do so. Tosca has an amazing success story, and also there are other success stories on there as well of people who made the commitment to be healthy and start the Clean Eating lifestyle. I am going to start my journal today are you???

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Rev up your cardio!

We all do it, get in the same rut and do the same workouts at home or at the gym and thats when your body gets used to the routine and the workouts stop working for your body and you get stuck. You stop seeing results and get frustrated. So I want you all to start changing a few things about your cardio.  You should change the type of cardio you do, for example if you always get on the eliptical switch to the treadmill for one workout, ride the bike, jump rope, take a kick boxing class etc. The more you switch it up the harder it is for your body to get used to the workout and it will help prevent plateaus. Also you will need to up the intensity as well. You should always be pushing your self to go faster, work at a harder level push your body to its max and then go past it. Thats how you get results and get better. You also wont get bored with your workouts and it will help you to stay motivated. If you normally run inside on a treadmill take it outside to switch it up a bit. Go to and get some awesome cardio workouts (for free) and try them, you don't have to go to the gym to do them and most only take 15-20 min. I love the workouts from there, they are very challenging and really make you sweat.  Interval training will also challenge your body and keep it guessing. You want to start at a pace that requires you to work at 75-80% of your body's maximum for a period of time then go up to 90-100% for shorter bursts then back down. For example running at a 6.5 speed on the treadmill for 2 min. then upping it to 8.0 for 1 min. then back down and keep repeating. You also should do cardio for a minimum of 30 minutes  a day, try to go longer if you can't keep up the intensity the entire workout.  Try my lunge workout on the treadmill. I usually do it after running or riding the bike for a little extra push. Set the treadmill at the steepest incline it will go, put the speed at 3.0 walk for 2 min, take the speed down to 1.5 and do walking lunges w/back leg lift for 1 min. repeat and try to go for 20 min if you can. It is a killer and will make you sweat, not to mention get a great tush!!  So get out of your comfort zone, quit doing the same old boring workout day in and day out and have fun!

Here are some things I like to do:
1) Jillian Michaels Cardio Kickboxing DVD
2) Swimming
3) Running
4) Walking lunges up hill on the treadmill
5) Bike riding
6) Jump rope

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Excuses, Excuses

I just got my nest issue of Oxygen Magazine in the mail the other day. I love getting it, it's like christmas for me once a month. As I was flipping through it looking at all the fit and beautiful women in it I can't help but get excited to train and get in my next workout. I love how the magazine is filled with workouts you can do at home or the gym and all of the yummy clean recipes in it. As always I hurry and turn to  Jamie Eason's article to read first. Jamie Eason is one of my favorites in the mag and sort of my idle. I want to look like her! Any way, she was talking about excuses. "Excuses are like underwear, most people have them and many are full of holes." The article really got me thinking and I will be letting go of my excuses and so should you. There will always be those excuses holding you back from the gym or eating right. Most everyone has them. You can tell the ones that do, they are the ones at the gym not pushing there bodies like they should, watching t.v. or reading a book while supposedly doing cardio. They are the ones that will never change their image. You have to get focused, and get your mind straight, and have no more excuses. Yes you do have the time, instead of playing around on the computer, watching you favorite shows on t.v., or sleeping in in the mornings. You can prepare meals or get in a quick workout session, don't let those excuses have control over you, aren't you worth it to be in the best physical shape possible, aren't you worth it to be healthy? Isn't your family worth it? Do crunches, lunges, push-ups or dips during a comercial break. Get off the couch and get moving. Clean out your cubbards and refridgerator form junk foods and stock them with plenty of whole grains, eggs, fresh fruit and veggies, lean protein. Make it a point to cook you protein in advance and freeze it so it is always easy to heat up and eat instead of un-healthy diet foods. (Yes those lean pockets and lean cuisines are bad for you!!) Start eating clean and working out and you will look and feel amazing! Remember true fat loss doesn't happen over night and there are no quick fixes and no magic diet pills, but it will happen safely and gradually over time in a healthy way that is good for you. I will leave you with this from Jamies article.
"The notion that you can start when you finally have more time, or that you have been doing everything that you can to eat healthy but to no avail, is just bogus - these excuses are simply "holes" in our logic. I know that we do not want to have to give up the things in life that we love, but wouldn't it be nice to know that we are in control of what goes into our bodies and that we have done all that we can to prolong our lives for our families and loved ones? Remember, no excuses and no regrets!"

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Lifting Weights

I know many of you ladies out there are a little afraid of lifting weights. There are a lot of rumors out there suggesting that if you (women) lift weights then you will bulk up. Well...... that is entirely NOT TRUE!!! It in fact is physically and genetically impossible for women to get bulky and huge like a man from weight lifting. In fact the only way for a woman to get big and bulky like that is if she is on steriods. So with that being sad, why should you lift weights??? Cardio alone will not give you the lean, tight, firm body you want, instead you will become what is called "Skinny Fat". Skinny fat is a skinnier version of your fat self, which is what will happen if you only focus on cardio. Weight lifting will build muscle, yes, but not huge manly muscles. The more muscle you have the more fat you will burn, if you don't build up the muscle and only focus on cardio you body will in turn use what little muscle you have to burn as fuel. There for you become "Skinny Fat" a thinner, softer, jigglier person. As you build muscle you will need the proper nutrition (eating clean) to fuel the muscles and when you do your cardio workout you body will instead burn the fat and not the muscle so in turn you will have that toned, firm, non-jiggly body you want. Also the more muscle you have and less fat you have, and the cellulite will go away!! I know it may still seem kind of scary to pick up those dumbbells, but you need to if you want to look and feel good.  I am not saying go out and lift really heavy, but lift a weight that does give you a bit of a challenge. If doing 4 sets of 15 with a 10 lb weight is too easy then you need to up the weight. If doing that same amount is too hard then you need to go lighter. You should be able to 4 sets of 15 reps with a weight that gives yo a little bit of a challenge by the the 10th rep, so the last 5 should be a bit of a struggle. Once it becomes too easy then move up in weight. Go with a friend, in case you need a spotter and don't feel comfortable asking someone you don't know, keep a workout journal and log your reps, sets, and weight used so you can keep track and know how much you were able to do in your last session. Make sure to rest that muscle group for at least 24-42 hours before working it again. Switch it up every 4 weeks so your body doesn't get used to the workouts and your routine. You may choose to work each body part on different days or you may choose to combine them. Rest no longer than 1 min. between sets, keep moving to keep your heart rate up, don't forget to incorporate some cardio. You really only need 3-5 30 min. sessions of high intensity cardio a week. And most importantly EAT CLEAN.
Here is an example of how I like to break up my weight training schedule:
Monday: chest and triceps, run 3 miles
Tuesday: legs, run 3 miles, swim
Wednesday: back and biceps, run 3 miles
Thursday: legs, shoulders, swim
Friday: long run
Saturday: Rest
Sunday: long run, stretch

Happy lifting and clean eating everyone!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Clean-Eating Principles

Here are the 14 principles Clean-Eaters use taken from the Eat Clean Diet Cookbook.

Remember, to lose or gain weight you must eat more! However, your food choices need to be clean and healthy to lose weight. These are the Clean-Eating principles that will guide you through your physique and health transformation. Print this guide and stick it on your fridge or in in a cupboard where you will be reminded to follow the habits until they become your lifestyle.

1) Eat 5-6 small meals every day.
2) Eat every 2-3 hours
3) Combine lean protein and complex carbs at every meal.
4) Drink at least 2 liters, or 8 cups, of water each day.
5) Never miss a meal, especially breakfast.
6) Carry a cooler loaded with Clean-Eating foods to get through the day.
7) Avoid all over-processed, refined foods, especially white flour and sugar.
8) Avoid all saturated and trans fats.
9) Avoid sugar-loaded sodas and juices.
10) Consume adequate healthy fats, EFS, (Essential Fatty Acids) each day.
11) Avoid Alcohol - another form of sugar.
12) Avoid all calorie-dense foods containing no nutritional value.
13) Depend on fresh fruit and vegetables for fiber, vitamins, and enzymes.
14) Stick to proper portion sizes - give up the super sizing!

I hope this helps, if you don't have the Eat Clean Diet Book you can order it online at,, find it at Barnes and Noble, and I have even seen it at Target. It is a great book, and a lifestyle change not only for you but your family as well. After all if you want to get healthy don't you think your family should too? 

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


What motivates you to make you get up and get in that workout? Wether you are going to the gym or working out at home. Are you really truly pushing your self to get through another set of lunges, or pushing yourself to go faster and sweat more. I have been motivated in a very special way this year. I have always wanted to place in a 5k race but have never really tried to push my self to go faster. I was fine at my 29 min. 5k time. I have recently decided to run the Race for the Cure this coming May. It is not a timed race and no awards are given out at the end to the top finishers. I am doing it for a friend of mine who has stage 4 breast cancer. She is a wonderful person so full of life and has the most amazing smile. Her zest for living and positive attitude is amazing despite everything she has to go through on a daily basis. Not only does she have breast cancer she is a single mother of 2 young boys. It just breaks my heart that such a beautiful person has to suffer this way. My heart and prayers go out to her and her little family. I am doing this Race for a Cure to help get the word out about Breast Cancer and to hopefully raise money for a cure. I have shaved time off of my 5k, the fastest I have ran was on my treadmill at 26:20. As I am training and running faster I picture my self on the day of the race, running through a sea of pink. I see My dear friend and her two sweet little boys in the crowd of supporters cheering me and all the other runners/walkers on. I see my wonderful husband and my two kids also there in support of the cause. I keep going faster and see my self nearing the finish as I get closer to the 3.2 mile mark. The adrenaline starts pumping harder and my legs start moving faster. I can do this. That is what pushes me, that's what will make me a faster runner. I can see hope and a cure at the finish line. Not a medal, but a true reward, just knowing that the first time I was able to place in a 5k  was for hope and a cure. That is the best reward. I hope I can inspire all of you to join me on that day and either run or walk for the Race for the Cure. You can go tho this website
and sign up or you may also make a donation. Pleas help this great cause.  Thanks, and happy training! Race day is Saturday May 8, 2010

Wednesday, January 27, 2010 AWESOME workout

I was on looking at the forum and the recipes from other clean eaters and thought this one for firecracker pork looked really yuumy. Plus it's a crock pot reciepe! Even better. I will have to try this one for sure in next few days. If you try it before me let me know how you liked it.

Time for a Swim!!!!
If you want a low impact total body workout that is fun, take up swimming! I love to get in the pool! The nice thing about swimming is that it works you arms, shoulders, chest, legs, butt, back and abs! Seriously a killer workout, and you only have to get in and do it for 20-30 min to feel it's effects. If you are not a great swimmer that's o.k. too. get a kick board. I use one to really work my legs. Also you can use weighted pool belts, most pools/gyms provided them, and walk the length of the pool. You can also use the pool weights they may have. The pool weights look like plastic dumbbells.  If you want you could look into lessons like I did last year. I buddied up with my dad and we went to Dimple Dell Rec. Center and it was about $60 each for semi private lessons, 4-30 min. sessions. That was all it took for us to get the basics down and swim on our own. So go by yourself, or buddy up and get in the pool! It will lift your spirits to get wet and get in an awesome workout! It gets me out of the winter blues and makes it feel like summer. Good luck to you all and have fun swimming!

Sunday, January 24, 2010


Letting yourself have a cheat meal can be a scary thing for some. It can be tricky too. Notice I said "A Cheat Meal" not a cheat day, or weekend for some. There is a HUGE difference. You of course, after all of your hard work both in the gym and in the kitchen, don't want to spoil all of your hard earned efforts by destroying it all on a weekend binge. By keeping your cheating to ONE meal you wont feel guilty and it will be easier to stay focused on the gaol at hand. Here are some ideas to help you with your cheating so you don't go over board.
1) Have a plan. Plan when you will have your cheat meal, say a girls night out dinner, or if you want to go to a movie and have popcorn, a family BBQ. You get the idea.
2) Drink plenty of water. This will help to fill you up, especially if you are worried of over doing it.
3) Keep your goal in mind and stay focused. By doing so you will be reminding yourself what you really want. A nice lean, healthy body. Not the unhealthy, overweight one you are in now. So you wont be tempted to have that dessert after the calorie and fat loaded meal you just indulged yourself in.
4)Ask for a to-go box when they bring your meal out to you. Put half of your food in the box, and "accidently" leave it behind. This is good especially since some restaurants give you huge portions.
5) Get right back on track. The quicker you get back on your clean eating schedule the better you will feel about your self.  The day of your cheat meal I suggest a hard intense cardio workout session. It just makes me feel better about my cheating.
I hope this helps! If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask. Just post a comment and I will always answer. I will be having my cheat meal today! After of course a 45 min session on the treadmill!! Good luck to you all.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

So I am still feeling very sick today. I have a massive headache, major sinus congestion, a sore throat which in turn makes my ears ache, and now my stomach is in knots and is cramping up. Since I have a log 10 hour work day ahead of me today and tomorrow I have decided that it would be best to conserve my energy for work and not exercise today or tomorrow, but I will however still be keeping my meals clean. As long as I can keep them down. I am taking my gallon jug of water with me to work and some green tea.
My meals today:
Breakfast: 1 sm banana
Snack: low fat cottage cheese
Lunch: paprika chicken and celery
Snack: apple
Dinner: Scrambled egg whites
Lets hope I can eat it all today with out any problems! Happy Clean Eating everyone!!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Workingout while sick

Hello All,
I thought a perfect topic today would be exercising when you are sick. It is perfect because I am suffering from a huge head cold. First if all you can't use having a cold as an excuse not to workout. You can still get in your exercise, so sorry to get you out of getting fat while sitting on the couch sulking in your illness. As long as you illness is something minor like a head cold you are totally capable, but if you have say Bronchitis, Flu, Walking phnemonia or something where the Doctor says to rest then you shouldn't exercise. Basically the rule is if it is from the neck up you are o.k. to workout, if it is from the neck down then you need to rest. One thing I do when I am sick is I will find workouts I can do at home so I don't spread my sick germs all over the gym. has a lot of good exercises you can do at home or outside with little equipment. They are killer workouts though, but I like them because they are really intense and don't take a lot of time to do. Also you want to make sure you stay hydrated. Make sure you are drinking lots and lots of water. Not only when you are sick but on a daily basis. Make sure to that you are sticking to your clean meals when sick. Good luck!! :)

Today I will be doing Zuzana's ( 15 min. killer cardio workout, then do some shoulder exercise then finish with Zuzana's extreme 15 min. workout. This whole thing should take about 45 minutes to complete. If you are interested in what the workouts consist of go to My shoulders I will be doing some dumbbell shoulder press's, lateral raises, Work my rear delts and front delts and some shrugs for my traps.
My diet today is as follows:
Breakfast: banana, and green tea ( I felt horrible this morning)
Snack: 1/4c lowfat cottage cheese with raspberries
Lunch: Paprika Chicken in a green salad with balsamic vinegar for dressing
Snack: 2 stalks celery
Dinner: Chicken tacos
Lean ground chicken seasoned w/pepper, garlic powder, and chili powder. Whole wheat low-carb soft tortilla's, lettuce, tomato, onion, and avacado YUM!! If you don't like ground chicken you may also use lean ground turkey or bison. Do not use beef, it is too high in fat.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

#1 rule to weight loss........

Yes you heard me, you need to eat a good clean breakfast every morning. You can't expect great results in dieting if you are skipping the most important meal of the day. You wouldn't send your kids off to school without eating something first would you? So why should you make your body and mind suffer? I am not talking about a cup of coffee and a muffin from starbucks here, but something that will get your body and mind working. It only makes sense to eat first thing in the morning. Your body has just fasted all night long and needs fuel to get going. That is why it is called "Breakfast" because you are breaking your fast from the long night. If you are not a big breakfast person you can have some fruit like an apple or banana, some lowfat yogurt is a good choice too. Of course the best thing to start your day off right is oatmeal and some scrambled egg whites. 

I am getting ready to go do my in home work out today. I woke up with a bit of a head cold so I am going to keep it quick and simple. I will be doing Zuzana's ( 20 min. cardio workout and doing some weight training on my arms today. I should be done in less than an hour!! How Awesome is that. Here is my food for the day:
Breakfast:  1/2 cup oats with 1 table spoon each wheat germ and ground flax, I small banana, I cup green tea
Snack: 1 apple
Lunch: Egg white scramble- 4 egg whites, purple onion, red green and yellow bell peppers, top with 1/2 avacado and 1 tablespoon salsa
snack: 2 stalks of celery
Dinner: Paprika chicken, green salad with balsamic vinegar for dressing, steamed broccoli.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Getting Started

O.K. ya'll, I am starting this blog to keep me motivated and maybe motivate you all as well. I hope to achieve physical greatness and good health and well being. It won't always be easy or pretty but it will be worth in the end. I have a goal set in mind, I would like to weigh between 110 and 115 pounds. Currently I am at 136, I am giving myself until June 1st to reach my goal. I hope you all have a goal you would like to achieve and maybe we all can help each other along the way. I will be posting my daily food intakes and also my workouts. I would love your feed back thoughts and ideas. Thanks! Happy Clean Eating and training everyone!