My Progress

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Cellulite, the nice way to say you have a fat a$$!

So I came across this article the other day about Cellulite, what is was, and the best ways to help get rid of it. Pretty much those dimples on your butt, thighs, stomach, what have you are fat deposits. So to say you have Cellulite on your butt is just a nicely sugar-coated way to say you have fat on your ass! (pardon my language) I found that very amusing, especially since even those super stick thin models have cellulite, so really they are fat, "skinny fat" What were the causes of Cellulite? Well for starters an unhealthy diet and lack of proper exercise. There were a few main things to steer clear from of course like caffeine, (I was just as shocked!) alcohol, (not as shocked) sugary and fatty foods. (well duh) The best thing you can do to help eliminate these toxic dimples is to eat a clean healthy diet complete with lean protein, fresh veggies, fruit, and complex carbohydrates. Drink plenty of water, and weight train along with some cardio. I can personally say that following these few things will get rid of the cottage cheese you have lurking around your backsides. Since eating clean, and exercising with weights and some cardio I have seen it slowly disappear, I am almost completely 100% Cellulite free!!! I am working on cutting out as much caffeine from my diet as I possibly can, I am down to just 1 cup of coffee a day, and I am saving my drinking for special occasions only. So bottom line (no pun intended) is to keep it clean in the kitchen, drink plenty of water, and make sure you incorporate weight training into your workout routine, you won't see results with just cardio alone, unless you like that "skinny fat" look and don't mind the dimples......

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